Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I organized my room about 2 weeks ago and now it looks like this...

Why? Because i finally decided to go through my closet and get rid of some clothes and actually organize it so it looks nice, not that anyone ever sees it. Point being..i never realized how much CRAP i keep. I have gotten rid of so much stuff, clothes and just junk all kinds of stuff. It feels good to get it all cleaned and organized.

Let's see. I have a part in another play at Osceola Theater Co. We are doing "The Dinner Party" by Neil Simon. There are only 6 parts and my characters name is Yvonne. I'm so excited to be in the play. April 16-19!

I am SOOOO super excited for next wed. Shannon and I are going to Ft. Wayne to shop and spend the day!!! I'm so excited to be away from Elkhart for a day.

Lastly I am in charge of the redecoration of our spare bedroom (the Hang out room). My first project under the major of interior design. I've got some busy times ahead of me, but i'm super excited for them!

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